Winona State University
Public University
Winona, Minnesota
Speech Code Rating
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policies: 1B.1 Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education
Discriminatory harassment Unwelcome conduct or communication that is based on actual or perceived membership in a protected class, including stereotypes of protected classes, that has a negative effect or is likely to have a negative effect on the complainant or the workplace…
Student Conduct Code: Proscribed Conduct
Failure to engage in responsible social conduct that reflects credit upon the University community and to model good citizenship in any community.
Housing & Residence Life Policies & Procedures Handbook: Harassment
Students will respect the dignity and value the worth of all persons. Students will at no time physically, psychologically, or sexually abuse any member of this community; or participate in harassment, discrimination, intimidation, or threat; whether verbal, written, online, physical or psychological…
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policies: 1B.1 Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education
Sexual harassment is conduct or communication of a sexual nature that is unwelcome, that has a negative effect or is likely to have a negative effect on the complainant or the workplace or educational environment. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited…
Student Conduct Code: Proscribed Conduct
Physical or verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or other conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person. This includes any form of fighting.
Minnesota State Colleges & Universities: Procedure 5.22.1, Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources
Users must not engage in inappropriate uses, including: ... Storage, display, transmission, or intentional or solicited receipt of material that is or may be reasonably regarded as obscene, sexually explicit, or pornographic, including any depiction, photograph, audio recording, video or written word…