Housing and Residence Life Policies and Expectations- Abuse, Bias-Motivated Behavior, Domestic Violence, Harassment, and Sexual Assault
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
Relevant Excerpt
Discrimination and harassment have no place on campus. Harassment can be verbal, physical or electronic in nature. Threats, demands for favors, social media posts or constant calling or texting are examples of conduct that is intended to demean an individual and creates a hostile and/or intimidating, or demeaning environment is prohibited [will be reviewed]. ... Any of the following should be reported:
Bias-motivated behavior will not be tolerated on campus. Bias-motivated behavior includes activity motivated by an offender's bias against a victim's age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or any other physical or cultural characteristic. Bias-motivated behavior may include, but is not limited to social media, graffiti, vandalism, destruction of personal property, threatening phone calls or text messages, verbal harassment, or physical abuse.