University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Public University
North Dartmouth, Massachusetts
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University Policies: STU-025 Use of Technology Policy
Campus Electronic Mail Policies will ensure that University email users will NOT: ... Forward any other form of unnecessary mass mailing (such as chain letters) to University or external email users. ... Authorized users are prohibited from sending, posting or, publicly displaying…
University Policies: STU-006 Campus Posting Policy
The university prohibits posting where it creates a safety concern, and when it is deemed likely to violate the Code of Student Conduct or is not clearly marked with a contact person's information.
Sexual Misconduct Grievance Procedure (Non-Title IX)
Sexual Harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature when: (i) Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, education, or participation in University programs or activities; or (ii) Submission to or…
Student Life: Corsairs Care- Bullying, Harassment and Violence
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes things like internet trolling or flaming, name-calling, threats, spreading rumors or threatening to release…
Student Life: Corsairs Care- Bias & Hate
Bias Incident: Acts against people or property that do not appear to constitute a crime or actionable discrimination, but which may intimidate, mock, degrade, or threaten a member or group because of actual or perceived age, ancestry or ethnicity, color, creed, disability…
Doc. T16-040: University of Massachusetts Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy
Harassment is conduct by a person or persons against another person or persons based upon their legally protected class that adversely has the effect of: (i) unreasonably interfering with a person or person’s employment, educational benefits, academic grades or opportunities, or participation…