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Student Handbook: Policy on Acceptable Use of Computer Resources 11-12

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Users of CUNY computer resources may not employ a false identity, mask the identity of an account or computer, or use computer resources to engage in abuse of others, such as sending harassing, obscene, threatening, abusive, deceptive, or anonymous messages within or…

Student Handbook: CUNY Board of Trustees Policy Against Sexual Harassment 11-12

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Other types of unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature can also constitute sexual harassment, if sufficiently severe or pervasive that the target does find, and a reasonable person would find, that an intimidating, hostile or abusive work or academic environment has been…

Student Handbook: CUNY Rules of Conduct 11-12

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Each member of the academic community or an invited guest has the right to advocate his position without having to fear abuse--physical, verbal, or otherwise from others supporting conflicting points of view. Members of the academic community and other persons on the…

Student Handbook: Student Organizations 11-12

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no group, organization or student publication with a program against the religion, race, ethnic origin or identification or sex of a particular group or which makes systematic attacks against the religion, race, ethnic origin or sex of a particular group shall receive…