Fort Worth, Texas: Police seize artist Sally Mann’s photos from museum and launch investigation
Case Overview
In November 2024, the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth opened an exhibition that included works by Sally Mann, a world-renowned artist and photographer whose career spans more than 40 years. In December, several local officials complained about the exhibition, which included pieces in which Mann’s children appear nude. In January 2025, the Fort Worth Police Department seized several of Mann’s portraits from the exhibition as part of a criminal investigation into potential child abuse.
On February 19, FIRE, the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC), and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas wrote to the Fort Worth Police Department and the Tarrant County District Attorney explaining that while some may disapprove of the images, that does not strip them of the First Amendment protection afforded to artistic expression. FIRE, NCAC, and the ACLU of Texas called on the police department to immediately close its investigation and return the photographs.
Case Team