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E-mail from UNC Greensboro Asst. Dean of Students Brett Carter to Allison Jaynes, January 13, 2006

To:  Allison Jaynes [e-mail address redacted]
Subject:  Letter

Katie Brown KRBROWN2/facultystaff/uncg
01/13/2006 04:03 PM

January 13, 2006

Allison N. Jaynes
[Mailing address redacted]

Case #:  [Redacted]

Dear Ms. Jaynes:

The charges of the violations of Respect under the Student Code of Conduct, specifically, “failure to comply with the direction of a University official” and “violation of the University’s facilities use policy” have been dismissed.  No further conduct action will be taken by our office with regard to these charges. I wish you well in your future endeavors at UNCG.


Brett A. Carter
Assistant Dean of Students

cc: Attorney General, Shilanka Lewis, Student Government

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Katie Brown, Student Affairs, UNCG (336) 334-5514
