Event & Guest Services Policy Manual: Chalking

University of Maryland - College Park

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Chalk may be used by students, faculty, and staff for creating messages on approved surfaces on the University campus in compliance with the following requirements:

1.    Chalking will be permitted on at the following locations:

  • Designated sidewalk space outside the southeast entry to Stamp Student Union
  • Hornbake Plaza

2.  Chalking in these designated areas will be subject to regular maintenance and cleaning by University staff.

3.  In the event an approved student group has reserved Hornbake Plaza for an event, the University will remove chalking and temporary signage at the designated area prior to the demonstration.

4. Messages may be written only on flat horizontal surfaces of sidewalks, exposed to the open sky.

5. No messages may be written on vertical surfaces including but not limited to walls, buildings, pillars, posts, benches,  doors, trash receptacles, or kiosks.

6.  Messages must be written in chalk that is water soluble. Approved chalk includes commercially sold sidewalk chalk  but does not include spray chalk or artists pastels.

6.  Internal Users who chalk in violation of these rules may be held responsible for costs incurred by the University for removal.
