Bias Incident Reporting: Frequently Asked Questions

University of Mary Washington

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
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What are some examples of bias harassment or intimidation?

When acts are intended to harm an individual or have the purpose or effect of unreasonably or substantially interfering with an individual’s safety and security by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational or working environment they can be defined as harassment.

Depending on the totality of the circumstances, writing a racial epithet on someone’s door or bulletin board, making fun of another person because of his or her language or accent, or making insulting comments about someone’s traditional manner of dress or geographic origin, writing the “N word” or drawing a noose on the Spirit Rock, are examples of a bias-related harassment. Additional examples include stalking or threatening a person, sending unwanted or intimidating packages, letters, computer messages, social media postings, text messages, or phone calls, particularly if the intent is to harm or intimidate.
