UCLA Interim Policy 852: Public Expression Activities

University of California, Los Angeles

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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UCLA has designated Areas for Public Expression on UCLA Property that may be used regardless of affiliation with UCLA and without prior scheduling on a first-come basis provided that there are no scheduled Organized or Major Events. The University will ensure that at least one of the Areas for Public Expression will be available at all times.


Place: The Areas for Public Expression are outlined below and in Attachment A, Map of Areas for Public Expression. 

a. Meyerhoff Park 

b. *Bruin Plaza between Pauley Pavilion and Meyerhoff Park 

c. **Plaza between Pauley Pavilion and James West Alumni Center 

d. East Bruinwalk between the Student Activities Center, Ackerman and north tip of Gateway Plaza 

e. Lawns and walkways between Meyerhoff Park, Student Activities Center, Janss Steps, and east side of Powell Library 

f. Southeast corner of Dickson Court South 

g. West outdoor entrance area of Murphy Hall

*Bruin Plaza is frequently reserved for Registered Campus Organizations (RCOs) and University Units. To use this space for Public Expression Activities, prior approval is required from either SOLE for RCOs or the UCLA Events Office for Non-RCO Events. Public Expression Activities that have not been pre-approved by SOLE or the UCLA Events Office may be relocated or denied access depending on the availability of other Public Expression Areas or impact to any University operation including scheduled events. 

**The plaza between Pauley Pavilion and James West Alumni Center is utilized by events scheduled in Pauley Pavilion including UCLA athletic events. To use this space for Public Expression Activities, prior approval is required from UCLA Recreation. Public Expression Activities that have not been pre-approved by UCLA Recreation may be relocated or denied access depending on the availability of other Public Expression Areas or impact to any University operations including scheduled events.

Time: The Areas for Public Expression are open between the hours of 6:00am and 12:00 midnight. Between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00am these areas and all other areas of campus are closed to all activities, including Areas for Public Expression, except the coming and going to/from a University building, crossing the campus, or as part of an Official University Function, Organized or Major Event.
