Berkeley Campus Regulations Implementing University Policies: Areas for Public Expression
University of California, Berkeley
Relevant Excerpt
On University grounds open to the public generally, all persons may exercise the constitutionally protected rights of free expression, speech and assembly. Such activities must not, however, interfere with the right of the University to conduct its affairs in an orderly manner and to maintain its property, nor may they interfere with the University’s obligation to protect the rights of all to teach, study, and freely exchange ideas.
The Sproul Plaza and Lower Sproul Plaza have traditionally been designated as areas for public expression. These areas are open to the public generally between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight. Between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m., these areas are generally closed to all activities except coming and going to a University building or crossing the campus. During open hours, Upper and Lower Sproul Plaza, not including Savio Steps may be used without reservation for discussion or public expression which does not require or involve sound amplification equipment. Upper Sproul Plaza South Tree Line, Lower Sproul Plaza, and the Savio Steps may be reserved through Event Services at the ASUC Student Union for use by recognized campus organizations or non-University groups in accordance with facility use regulations and established office procedures. However, use of these areas for discussion or public expression may be limited when such use interferes with the orderly conduct of University business or authorized events.