Student Handbook: Code of Conduct- Offenses within Respect, Inclusion, and Diversity

University of Alabama in Huntsville

  • Speech Code Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last updated
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Abuse: Physical abuse, mental abuse, or assault of another person.


Harassment: Subjecting a person to physical contact, directing language, or gesturing that is abusive or obscene with or without the intent to harass, including discriminatory actions involving protected classes of people.


Bullying: Bullying and cyberbullying means engaging in repeated and aggressive behaviors that intimidate, intentionally harm, control, or seek to control another individual physically, mentally, or emotionally in a way that effectively denies an individual equal access to University resources and opportunities. Behavior meeting this standard may involve: teasing, social exclusion, threats, intimidation, stalking, physical violence, theft, sexual, religious or racial harassment, public humiliation, or destruction of property.
