Bias Review Team

Portland State University

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
  • Last updated
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Portland State University is committed to addressing bias incidents on campus and in our community and will provide individuals with resources and support when someone experiences a traumatizing event. Bias is harmful to individuals and the community. When you are hurt, the community is hurt.


The goals of the BRT are: ... Improve the campus climate by identifying trends and confronting bias incidents ...

Any person who has experienced, witnessed, or heard of a bias incident is encouraged to complete the form. Please note that completing this form does NOT initiate an employee discrimination and harassment or a student conduct investigation.


Bias against others can be expressed and perceived in many ways. It can be subtle or blatant and can include physical, spoken, or written acts of abuse, insensitivity, lack of awareness, violence, harassment, intimidation, extortion, the use of vulgarity, cursing, making remarks, or any other behaviors that belittles, restricts or alienates others, based on preconceived notions. Examples include graffiti, offensive flyers, or comments in the classroom, workplace, or in the street.
