Oklahoma State Bias Incident Response

Oklahoma State University - Stillwater

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
  • Last updated
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A bias incident involves actions committed against or directed toward a person or property that are motivated, in whole or in part, by a bias against a person or group of persons who possess common characteristics. 

The University urges anyone who has experienced or witnessed a bias incident to report it. 
The Bias Response Team will:  ...

  • Provide follow-up training and educational opportunities
  • Collaborate with the reporter to explore options for informal resolution

The Bias Incident Response Team is not an investigative or disciplinary body. The committee will brainstorm viable solutions to all incidents. Suggestions for redress made by the reporter will be considered to the fullest extent of the committee's authority. In the case where disciplinary or corrective action is a possibility the reporter will be referred to Human Resources or Student Conduct. The Bias Incident Response Team will receive incoming reports to review for action steps necessary on the information submitted. Extended team members will listen to students and employees concerns, offer resources, and assist in responding to the concerns.
