Residence Life Policies and Procedures: Solicitation

Marquette University

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
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Solicitation is defined as any activity that seeks to entice or gain support from students at Marquette. Therefore, this policy applies to a wide range of activities, all of which are prohibited unless specifically approved by the Office of Residence Life. These activities may include advertising, selling, petitioning, campaigning for political candidates, distributing flyers in mailboxes and surveying students by telephone, mail, or in person.

Residents may post signs, notices, or posters on their own doors as long as they do not damage the doors. Students may be asked to remove items from their doors or windows if the item may be a violation of University policies, community standards, or Code of Conduct. Students are not allowed to post unapproved items in common areas. See the Residence Hall Director for approval.
