Student Handbook: Use of Facilities- Political, Social, and Commercial Activities

Keene State College

  • Speech Code Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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Speech Activities

To facilitate robust debate and the free exchange of ideas, students and nonstudents shall be permitted to engage in free speech activities and distribute literature on Oya Hill on a space available basis. This use may be without permission from the College so long as the area has not been previously reserved or scheduled for a particular function, no sound amplification is used, activities do not interrupt or interfere with educational or instructional activities or the normal conduct of College business, and the participants do not violate other College policies.

Although it is not necessary for a person using Oya Hill to obtain prior permission from the College, the College encourages such persons to contact the Office of Student Involvement and/or Scheduling Office to minimize possible scheduling conflicts.

Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as limiting the right of student expression elsewhere on the campus so long as the expressive activities or related student conduct, including the distribution of literature, does not violate any other applicable College policies.
