Student Handbook: Student Code of Conduct- Prohibited Behaviors

Howard University

  • Speech Code Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last updated
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Harassment is engaging in verbal, electronic, visual, written or physical behavior directed at an individual or group that, in the view of a reasonable person, is likely to provoke or otherwise result in a negative or injurious response, mental or emotional distress, or related reaction or consequence. This behavior may include, but is not limited to:

A. Making an expressed or implied threat of an action that will affect another person’s academic pursuits, University employment, or participation in academic or extracurricular activities sponsored by either the University or organizations or groups related to the University

B. Engaging in unwelcomed and unwarranted obstruction or interference with respect to a person’s participation in educational, athletic or on-campus activity, personal pursuits, or employment, which includes but is not limited to behaviors or communications which detract from or interfere with: an instructor’s ability to provide instruction in the classroom, laboratory, clinical practicum or clerkship; any activity directly related to teaching, instruction or academic advisement and counseling; or provision or use of any and all academic support services provided throughout the University Community.

C. Creating an intimidating, demeaning or hostile situation or environment or inflicting personal, social, academic, psychological or emotional harm, or undue stress.
