Community Living Guide: Solicitation and Posting Policy Definitions

Georgia State University

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
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In an effort to assist chartered student groups and University departments in making residents aware of events and services on campus, University Housing staff will post approved posters and flyers about such events/services. All flyers/posters must be pre‐approved by University Housing. To obtain approval, please submit advertisements to the University Housing office, located in 75 Piedmont NE, Suite 110.

1. In order to post flyers/posters in the residence halls you must be a chartered student group, a university department, or University Housing Staff at Georgia State University.
2. Here are specific rules and conditions regarding posting in and around the residence halls:
a. Flyers/Posters should clearly state the name of the group or department sponsoring the event or services advertised. ... c. Flyers that encourage the violation of law or University policy, the consumption of alcohol or other drugs are prohibited.
