Policy 500.3.2.1: Clubs and Organizations Policy

Elizabeth City State University

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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The University has designated certain areas on campus, known as designated public forums and limited public forums, as areas on campus where individuals may engage in spontaneous, expressive activity. Students, faculty and invited groups/individuals are permitted to assemble and engage in spontaneous expressive activity within the designated public forum as long as such activity is lawful and does not materially and substantially disrupt the functioning of the institution.

i. The Outdoor Classroom has been identified by the University as a designated public forum.

a. The University may impose time, place, and manner restrictions on the use of the Outdoor Classroom. (For example, the University may require that individuals only use the Outdoor Classroom at certain times.)

ii. The Promenade has been identified by the University as a designated limited public forum.

  1. The University may impose time, place, and manner restrictions on the use of the Promenade.
  2. Visitors and non-affiliated groups may not engage in free speech or free expression activities in the Promenade.