RSO Handbook: Awareness & Sensitivity Policy

Eastern Illinois University

  • Speech Code Rating
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    Policies on Tolerance, Respect, and Civility
  • Last updated
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The Student Life Office stresses the importance of Registered Student Organizations eliminating discriminatory and/or culturally insensitive language, behavior and content from their sponsored activities. All Registered Student Organizations are encouraged to strive for awareness and sensitivity in all programs, activities, publications, advertisements and services offered that may have a negative impact on the University, any individual(s), and/or group, as they relate to race, creed, ethnic, origin, gender, national origin, sexual-orientation, age and physical ability.

The Student Life Office will monitor and review Registered Student Organizations sponsored activities to assist in identifying and eliminating any inappropriate language content from activities, advertisement, publications, and policies deemed discriminatory or insensitive in nature.

All Registered Student Organizations are encouraged to uphold this policy in spirit and action.
