CWUP 1-30 Statement of Rights and Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees: 1-30-030 Protection of Right of Peaceful Protest

Central Washington University

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
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Because the rights of free speech and peaceable assembly are fundamental to the democratic process, Central Washington University supports rights of students and other members of the university community to express their views or peacefully protest against actions and opinions with which they may disagree.

The university also recognizes a concurrent obligation to maintain on the campus an atmosphere conducive to academic work, to preserve the dignity and seriousness of university ceremonies and public exercises, and to respect the private rights of all individuals.

The following regulations are intended to reconcile these objectives: campus demonstrations may be conducted in areas which are generally available to the public, providing such demonstrations: are conducted in an orderly manner; do not interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic; do not interfere with classes, scheduled meetings and ceremonies, or with other educational processes of the university; and are not held in a disruptive manner.
