OP.01.008: Policy on Time, Place and Manner and the Use of University Buildings and Grounds
California State University - Channel Islands
Relevant Excerpt
Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of a democratic society and is essential to the educational process. The academic mission of the campuses within the California State University system necessitates the free exchange of ideas and vigorous debate of ideas and information. That includes the freedom to draw connections between controversial issues and the subject matter at hand. Controversy is at the heart of free academic inquiry. Therefore, discussing controversial content on campus does not in and of itself violate University policies nor will the discussion itself serve as a basis for limiting future expression, even if a campus community member feels uncomfortable with the content or finds the content to be offensive.
CSUCI encourages and supports the free expression of ideas, values and opinions, recognizing that such expression may take a variety of forms, such as speeches, signs, written materials, public assemblies, parades, demonstrations, artistic representation and other forms of expressive conduct. While one may find certain expressions or materials to be offensive or insulting, the appropriate way to counteract such materials is through discourse, constructive criticism, and the expression of additional points of view.